From Jan 24th eligible NDIS participants can purchase Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) with funding from their NDIS plan for yourself as the participant and/or your support worker. This will ensure safe access to supports and continuity of services in current COVID-19 outbreaks.
How do I claim Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)?
If you are an NDIS participant, you can use your existing core funding from your NDIS plan to purchase RATs, where it is required to continue to access your reasonable and necessary disability-related supports.
Can I claim a test for my support worker?
If your support workers need to undergo a RAT to ensure they can safely deliver your supports, you may also purchase a RAT for them or they can include this purchase in their invoice to you or your plan manager.
Will other RAT supports continue?
This measure complements other initiatives such as:
- the Commonwealth program to provide free rapid antigen tests for concession card holders which recently commenced, which includes the majority of NDIS participants; and
- the temporary NDIS program (currently ending 31/01/2022) enabling eligible supported independent living participants and providers to claim up to $12.50 per rapid antigen test when a support worker is required to undergo COVID-19 testing to safely deliver supports to a participant.
Note: This information is current at time of posting. Check with your plan manager or support coordinator to ensure you have the funding in your plan prior to purchase.
For more information: https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/7309-ndis-participants-can-use-plan-funds-claim-rapid-antigen-tests