NDIS Participants
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Helping you get the most from your NDIS funding
We make it easy for you to manage your NDIS funding. We reduce the stress associated with paying bills and managing your NDIS budget – saving you time so you can do the things you love.
You choose the providers and the services you use, and we will manage the payments from your NDIS funding at no cost to you. Trinity Plan Management are third-party plan managers with expertise in navigating the NDIS and tracking budgets. We can tell you how you are tracking against your NDIS budget to make sure you get the most out of your funding. Our extensive knowledge of NDIS funding, supports and networks means we can provide expert advice. We can help you find the right service providers, connect you to extra support, and tell you what you are allowed to access based on your individual plan.
If you’re looking for a team who understands you and the challenges of the NDIS then contact us. We understand that you have to plan for each year of your funding and that you need a team to support you. Let us join your team.
How your NDIS funding works
Under the NDIS, you are provided with funding to support your goals. Funding is allocated based on your particular needs and what will help you achieve your goals.
NDIS funding supports a vast range of different equipment, consumables and services to help achieve your goals. Once you have registered for the NDIS and received the funding, you can choose where and when you receive supports, and you can choose your own service providers. Support coordination and plan management is designed to help those choices, not replace them.

What a support coordinator does
A support coordinator works with you to:
- understand your plan and how it helps to achieve your goals. They listen closely to what you want and need. They connect that to your goals and make sure that the funding is applied to the correct buckets in your NDIS funding.
- connect you with the therapies and services you need and that are available in your local area. They have a large network, and so we are often aware of service availability that you may not be able to research yourself.
You are always in charge of what service providers you want to use. Your support coordinator gives you the options.
How a NDIS plan manager helps you
NDIS plan management refers to third-party providers, like Trinity Plan Management, who are responsible for managing your funding. This includes:
- paying for your supports and service providers
- managing your budget
- monitoring your spending so you’re not under or overspending
- managing paperwork for NDIS compliance and audit needs.
Plan Management means you have a third party manage your NDIS funding and payments. Plan Managers keep records, pay Service Providers, track budgets and manage NDIS compliance requirements.
We are YOUR personal bookkeepers. With Trinity Plan Management you still have complete control of your NDIS plan so you can choose your Service Providers and how much you want to spend on your services. We take care of the paperwork, so you have time to do the things you love.

Contact Us Today
Our NDIS support and management lets you spend more time on what matters

You keep control of your NDIS Plan
You are always in control of your plan spending. We can help you by:
- Receiving invoices from your Service Providers so you don’t have to deal with bills
- Accessing your funding via the NDIS portal and paying Service Providers on your behalf
- Tracking expenses within each of the categories of funding in your plan so you don’t over or underspend
- Keeping you informed of how much you have in the plan at any one time so you can make better decisions
- Maintaining audit trails for NDIS compliance
- Liaising with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) where needed
- Working with Support Coordinators (if you have one) to help them get the most out of funding.
How we make your life easier
- We manage the payments to your service providers from your NDIS budget (not your bank account)
- Your service providers can invoice us directly – and will be paid on time
- You don’t have to deal with bills
- We track your funding so you know how much you can spend
- You can see your spending via our app
- Make sure that you don’t overcommit your funding
- We keep an audit trail so you don’t have to
- We can liaise with your LAC on your behalf
- We’ll work with your support coordinator (if you have one) so you get the most out of your services
- There’s no cost to you because the NDIA pays us directly
- If you need advice about service providers and navigating the NDIS we can provide guidance so you can make informed decisions.
Sign Up with us online today. It’s quick and easy.
NDIS Plan Management Australia Wide
We work with NDIS participants and Support Coordinators across the whole of Australia. We offer a one-to-one personalised services. No call centre here!
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